India cricket team pacer Jasprit Bumrah responded to reports claiming that he has been advised bed rest following developing a swelling on his back. A Times of India report had claimed that the pacer was not going to be rushed back into action and that he was currently on bed rest at home. Bumrah took to social media platform X to call out the “fake news” and said that while it made him laugh, the source for the news was unreliable.
Bumrah calls out “fake news” on injury status
What the report said on Bumrah
“Bumrah could go to the CoE next week but right now there is no fixed date yet. He has been advised bed rest at home to help the muscles recover and the swelling to subside. Once that is done, future course of action will be ascertained,” said a source, as per a TOI report.
The report further reveals that Jasprit Bumrah will not be rushed back to cricket. “Bed rest doesn’t sound good. I hope it’s not a disc bulge or a muscle swelling which is of a higher grade. The approach has to be similar with him – wrap him in cotton wool and preserve the talent like him,” added the source.
Latest news
Bumrah, India’s most overworked pacer both in the calendar year 2024 and in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, had sustained a back spasm during IND vs AUS 5th Test. He was forced to leave the game midway for scans. While he returned to the dressing room, he did not bowl in the remainder of the contest. On his return to India, reports had claimed that he had developed a swelling in his back and had been advised rest. Meanwhile, reports also suggested that the team management would wait to take a final call on the Champions Trophy squad based on the pacer’s recovery status.
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“Made me laugh”: Jasprit Bumrah calls out “fake news” on advised bed rest
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