Recently, there has been a buzz about Indian cricketer Rinku Singh’s engagement to Uttar Pradesh’s MP Priya Saroj. However, according to a report by Amar Ujala, Priya’s father, Toofani Saroj, has dismissed the news as fake, advising people not to pay attention to these rumours. On Friday, rumours spread about the engagement of Priya Saroj, an SP MP from Machhlishahr, with cricketer Rinku Singh. Toofani Saroj, Priya’s father and Samajwadi Party’s MLA from Kerakat, denied these claims. He mentioned that he visited Aligarh for a meeting with Rinku’s father over tea for wedding between the two.
Who is Priya Saroj?
Priya Saroj became a Member of Parliament from Machhlishahr in 2024 on an SP’s ticket. Her father, Toofani Saroj, has served as a Samajwadi Party MLA and has previously been an MP from Saidpur and Machhlishahr. According to Amar Ujala, There have been talks about Rinku Singh possibly becoming a Deputy SP from the state government.
Ongoing discussions for Rinku’s marriage
On Thursday, engagement rumours between Priya Saroj and Rinku Singh came online. Toofani Saroj clarified that while no engagement has happened, Rinku’s father, Khanchandra Singh, has been discussing marriage for the past two to three months. Recently, Toofani Saroj visited Aligarh, where he had a meaningful discussion about marriage over tea.
Rinku Singh’s career
Currently, he is a key player for the Kolkata Knight Riders in the IPL and also a part of India’s T20 team. He has performed well in IPL which helped him getting a place in the Indian team.
Rinku Singh stats
Format | Matches | Runs | HS | Average | 100/50 | Strike Rate |
ODIs | 2 | 55 | 38 | 27.50 | 0/0 | 134.14 |
T20Is | 30 | 507 | 69* | 46.09 | 0/3 | 165.14 |
FC | 50 | 3336 | 163* | 54.68 | 7/22 | 71.14 |
List A | 62 | 1997 | 104 | 47.54 | 1/18 | 95.59 |
T20s | 150 | 2976 | 79 | 35.01 | 0/17 | 148.28 |
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