India cricket team skipper Rohit Sharma is all set to return to domestic cricket after a gap of nearly 9 years. As per reports, the Hitman is likely to attend Mumbai’s Ranji Trophy camp at the Wankhede stadium on Tuesday. His move to attend the camp comes after head coach Gautam Gambhir’s directive to all players to take part in domestic red-ball cricket during international break.
Rohit Sharma to play Ranji Trophy?
As per CricTracker, a Mumbai Cricket Association source said that Rohit will be attending the team’s practice session on Tuesday. However, the source pointed out that Sharma had still not confirmed if he will be taking part in Mumbai’s first game of the second leg of Ranji Trophy against Jammu and Kashmir which begins on January 23. The source added that the Hitman would inform the MCA of his decision in due course of time.
“He will be coming for practice sessions with the Mumbai Ranji Trophy team and it is still not decided whether he will be playing the next Ranji Trophy game against J&K. He will inform the MCA in due course,” a source in the MCA informed.
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Meanwhile, the report also states that Rohit has commenced training for Champions Trophy at MCA-BKC ground in Mumbai. The veteran is all set to lead India in the marquee event, a decision that was reportedly taken following the meeting between the coach, selectors, captain and the team management.
The Indian captain last played in the tournament in 2015. Since then, he has been prioritizing international cricket and has given the domestic tourney a skip even if given the chance to participate. Sharma has been in miserable form with the bat since the latter half of 2024. In IND vs AUS series, he only managed to score 31 runs. His poor form coupled with flawed techniques require him to return to domestic cricket to rediscover his mojo.
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Rohit Sharma likely to attend Mumbai’s Ranji Trophy camp, begins training for Champions Trophy
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