
Free Fire Max OB48アップデートは、キャラクターとキャラクターの新しい再加工をもたらします。以下のキャラクターのバランスの完全な変更をご覧ください。

Free Fire MAX OB48 Update Release Date is 26th February 2025. The update brings new character and character rework in the game. Check out the detailed information below:

Free Fire MAX OB48 Update: Oscar Character

Night Vigilante – “By day, Oscar is a brilliant student; by night, he’s a beloved vigilante. Born into a wealthy family, his life took a dramatic turn when his parents gifted him a custom-designed battlesuit. This extraordinary suit grants him incredible powers, allowing him to shatter enemy defenses with ease and catch them off guard.”

Valiant Dash: Dashes towards the target direction, detonating the first 3 Gloo Walls in the way with 25 DMG, while also dealing 25 DMG to and knocking back enemies encountered. Cooldown: 60s.


Flame Mirage: Deploys a 18m-wide flaming screen that lasts 18s and moves forward at 6m/s for up to 55. While in effect, use the skill again to stop the screen. Enemies (or Gloo Walls) that get in touch with it will instantly take 25 (or 488) DMG, and then take 5 (or 188) DMG/s. Lasts 25. Cooldown: 685.

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Shield-Points-Related Skill Adjustments – The skills in our game are crafted to deliver a unique combat experience through diverse mechanisms, and Shield Points (SP) is a prime example of this. Though the SP mechanism is easy to understand, it can lead to imbalance when related effects stack. Take Xayne, Shani, Luqueta, and Antonio for instance: individually, they do not seem particularly overpowered. But when they are equipped together, the resulting player survivability can be overwhelming. It leaves the opponents confused. They may wonder, “Why is the player still alive? Is there a damage bug?” This is not the kind of experience we want for our players. Therefore, we are slightly adjusting these four skills to rein in their stacking power.

Xayne: Xtreme Encounter – Enters the Xtreme state and instantly obtains 68→58 temporary Shield Paints for 12s. During this each knockdown of an enemy restores the temporary Shield Points gained through this skill back to 68-50 and resets the state duration. Once the state ends, the Shield Points earned from this process will be removed. Cooldown: 75s.

Shani: Gear Recycle – When using an active skill, gives 48→ 38 Shield Points to self and teammates within 18m. The Shield Points decay after 5s, after which players can obtain the effects again. Cooldown: 185.

Luqueta: Hat Trick – Every elimination increases max. Shield Points permanently by 25-28. Max. boost: 58 48. Clears the effects once the player is eliminated or the round is reset.

Antonio: Gangster’s Spirit – Get 38-28 extra Shield Points[-] ゲームの開始時。生き残った戦闘後にシールドポイントを回復します。

コダオーロラビジョン – 18代のオーロラの力を活性化します。移動速度を18%15%増加させ、1回ごとに58 m以内の屋根の後ろの敵を発見します(しゃがんだものや傾向があるものは検出できます)。大学:68545S。 (パラシュートにある間、視野内の敵の場所を強調していますが、その効果はチームメイトと共有されていません)。

Wolfrhh:Limelight- 各除去は観客を追加し、視聴者の数は削減されません。追加の観客ごとに、頭のショットからの損傷は7%→4%(最大21%12%)減少し、敵の頭部射撃の損傷は18%増加します(最大30%)。

リラ:グルーストライク – ライフルとシューターのライフルで敵や車両を打つことで、敵の移動速度を18%または3秒で50%88%減少させます。減速中に敵が撃downされた場合。それらを3秒までフリーズし、1つの追加の光沢壁を取得します。

ニキータ:銃器の専門家 – 充電速度は30%増加します。スキルユーザーが敵に到着するたびに、彼は目標が18(最大、控除:38%→50%)の50%の38%の癒しの控除を得ると述べました。 65





