Indian shooter Manu Bhaker, who brought joy to the country by winning two Olympic medals at the Paris Olympics 2024, and World Chess Champion D Gukesh received the highest sporting honor, the Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award, from President Droupadi Murmu on January 17. Along with them, Indian men’s hockey captain Harmanpreet Singh and para-athlete Praveen Kumar, who won a gold medal in high jump at the Paris Paralympics, all etched their names in gold letters and deservedly received this prestigious honor from the government.
In total, there are six categories in the National Sports Awards 2024, and all the awardees received their rewards from President Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Bhaker, who stole the spotlight when she opened India’s medal tally at the 2024 Olympics by winning a bronze medal in the Women’s Individual 10m Air Pistol event, and later, alongside Sarabjot Singh, won the bronze medal in the 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team event. Take a look at the video of all the big names receiving their awards from the President of India.
Speaking about other important names, Harmanpreet Singh, who led India to a bronze medal in men’s hockey at the 2024 Olympics, and para-athlete Praveen Kumar, who won a gold in the Men’s High Jump T64 at the 2024 Paralympics, both received recognition for their exceptional achievements. Also, in the World Chess Championship, D. Gukesh hoisted the Indian flag by defeating China’s Ding Liren in the FIDE World Championship match in Singapore. All of them received their reward for their hard work.
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