Days after cracking the whip on personal chefs for India cricket team players, the BCCI has come up with a solution. As a part of strict measures being implemented after the team’s debacle in Border-Gavaskar Trophy, the board decided to ban players from having personal chefs with them on tours. Over the years, many players started to pay for their own personal chefs to cook them customised meals as per their needs. However, the BCCI seems to have had enough and have put a full stop to it.
BCCI comes up with “two cooks” remedy for Team India
As per Times of India, the BCCI has offered to send two personal chefs who will cook meals for the entire Team India. It is now reportedly upon the players to deliberate on the remedy and arrive at a conclusion. Stars like Virat Kohli, KL Rahul, Hardik Pandya are some of the players who used to take their personal chefs along with them on tours.
“The team has been given an option where the board will arrange two chefs for the players’ needs. However, there will be discussions around the specific needs of the players and what more could be done,” a BCCI source said.
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The report states that one of the key objections raised during the review meeting was the presence of these chefs in the team’s dining area. As per the report, only players and members of the coaching staff are permitted to be in the dining area. Although the personal chefs don’t stay at the team hotel and instead are accommodated by players elsewhere along with kitchen facilities, they deliver food to the players at the team hotel.
The BCCI’s remedy to provide two chefs to cook for the entire team needs to be deliberated on, for each player has their own requirements. It also varies if a player is focusing on recovering from an injury or those who have been advised a special diet.
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