Maharashtra’s 17-year-old shooter Parth Mane won the gold medal in the men’s 10m air rifle event at the National Games 2025 in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Competing against seasoned Olympians and former world champions, Parth scored an impressive 252.6 in the final. He managed to edge out former world champion Rudrankksh Patil, who scored 252.1 and won the silver for Maharashtra, while Kiran Jadhav of Services secured the bronze with a score of 230.7.
Parth above Arjun and Sandeep Singh
After his victory, Parth shared his mindset during the competition, saying he focused on his own process rather than the reputation of his rivals. The final also included India’s 2024 Paris Olympians, Arjun Babuta and Sandeep Singh. Parth has a history of defeating well-known shooters, as he did in the ISSF Junior World Championships against Sweden’s Victor Lindgren, where he became the Junior World Champion.
Champion in ISSF Junior World Championship
Parth hold a good track record in shooting. In the 2024 World Championships held in Lima, Parth Mane secured 1st place in the 10m Air Rifle Men Junior category with a qualification score of 627.7 and a final score of 250.7. Also in the same year, he scored a silver medal in the Junior ISSF World Cup held at Granada. He also earned a bronze in Asian Championships.
Parth aims at ISSF World Championship
Still young enough for junior competitions, Parth now plans to compete only at the senior level. Having achieved success at this level, he aims to shine at the 2025 ISSF World Championships, with national trials happening in February. Parth began shooting at age 10 in Pune, and his family moved to Mumbai to support his training under expert coach Suma Shirur. Their faith in his talent is paying off as Parth makes a name for himself in shooting.
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